0333 444 0634 (UK) | +34 95 500 3302 (International)
Change Request2018-10-12T21:07:54+00:00

Change Request

Bellisimos are open to review any changes or requests to enable us to understand our client’s needs.  We strongly support our current Terms and Conditions where you will also find information on additional charges. Your submission will be formally assessed via Head Office and a response will be emailed or posted (if requested) within 14 working days.

All data is used to improve future decisions and encourage each client to progress with the process to “Change Request”, we will look at a solution for each person individually and will try and deliver an additional option.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Reason For Request (required)

    Your Number (required)

    Your Message

    Best Solution(required)
    Part RefundFull RefundTreatment ChangeDate AmendmentOther

    Your request will be taken into account and non-reasonable request will impact the outcome. Any agreed refund is added as an Account Credit and can only be spent on additional treatments


    One upload mandatory to trigger a response, additional uploads will help your request

    *Please attach documentation to support the information above this will enable us to respond formally. Failing to upload any documents will result in our teams inability to respond.

    We really hope to use your experience to enhance our overall client engagement.

    Once completed, please feel free to call us to confirm we have received your change request.

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